Friday, May 6, 2011


A Heavenly Exercise Program
GUARANTEED RESULTS! This is an intense exercise program. You can do a little at first and work up to the next level. The great part is you do not need a check up from a doctor to perform most of the exercises. The results vary from person to person, but the more you invest, the greater you will feel! What do you say we get started?
~ Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. ~ 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 NLT
    • CHIN-UPS:  Lift your chin up and hold it there as long as possible. You are feeling so wonderful about your relationship with Jesus that you can't let it down. Rest. Repeat. Don't worry, just keep working at it, you'll get better at this one.
    • LIFTS:  Go to the area where you keep your Bible. Do not be concerned about its weight, you can do this! Open it up and read a chapter. Rest. Repeat. Lift it over and over! You'll be amazed how strong you will become!
    • KNEE BENDS:  Find a nice private place for this exercise. Start by going from a standing position to a kneeling position. Well, you might as well speak with God while you’re there. Rest. Repeat. This exercise will take some practice, but you can do it! He is glad to hear from you!
    • SQUATS:  Start by finding your small children or grandchildren. Squat down to their eye level and tell them how much Jesus loves them. They might even be interested in knowing how much you love them, too! Rest. Repeat. Very good! How are you feeling at this point?
    • SHADOWBOXING:  You might want to shut the blinds for this one. Dance around a little bit, avoiding your enemies strikes. Deliver a cross, uppercut, jab, jab, cross and a knock-out punch! Great job! Rest. Repeat. Now, I must warn you. Be careful! This is only intended for exercise purposes, but if you are to mentally produce an opponent, we recommend Satan! Be careful with this exercise because he does hit back! Work on your ducking and blocking!
    • OVERHEAD RAISES:  This exercise is most effective done with music that praises the Lord. So, to get the ultimate stretch, extend both hands out and up to the sky. Really put them up there, stretch them high in the air! Rest. Repeat. How did that feel? Maybe a little uncomfortable at first, but your really getting the hang of it!
    • PUSH-UPS:  We've got work to do! This exercise can be performed anywhere and anytime, but our research shows that it is rarely done. The sad part is Jesus asks us very specifically to do it. I don't know about you, but based on that, I'm ready to get busy! So try these performing the exercise here: Push up your neighbor's trash to the curb, push up an elderly widow's snow to the street, push up a stranded person's car to a safe parking lot, push up a fallen fence for the disabled. You got the idea now and look at you! Finding all kinds of things to push up for Jesus Christ! Oh, and try this if you really want to get results: Give Him the credit!
    • SIT-UPS:  Sit-up and take notice of where you are after this program. Do you feel stronger? Do you feel closer to Him? Now, sit-up and know how much He loves you! We can exercise a lot of muscles in our body, but to grow closer to Jesus; we have to exercise our heart! So, what is the real key to this program?

Rest.   Repeat.   Rest.   Repeat.

It was so great to have CINDY COOPER with us this past Monday to take our BLOOD PRESSURE  and tell us about how to prevent and also the  steps to take to get better blood pressure! Thank you, Cindy, we learned a lot.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Single Best Exercise for Weight Loss

This is an interesting little article on exercise, it came from SPARKPEOPLE

Often people will ask me to share the best exercises for weight loss. They want to know what kind of cardio activity is going to help them lose weight faster than anything else. Even if they don't enjoy it, they are willing to try whatever is going to help them reach their goals more quickly. My response is always the same. So are you ready to hear what the magic exercise is? What's going to help you lose weight keep it off long-term, and get fit?

The answer is simple: Find the activities you enjoy doing and stick with them. It's true that some activities burn more calories than others. You'll burn more in 45 minutes of running than you will in 45 minutes of walking. But if you hate to run, chances are that you're not going to be able to keep it up forever. Exercise becomes a chore, something you dread instead of something that brings enjoyment to your life. I always cringe when I see people post things like this on the SparkPeople Message Boards: "I hate running and have no interest in doing it. But I feel like I have to run if I'm going to lose weight, so can you give me some tips for how to enjoy it?" My response is usually to try it if you haven't before, but don't be afraid to do something else instead of it's just not working for you. I've tried swimming before. It was a great workout, very challenging, but not something I enjoyed at all. So I decided that swimming just wasn't for me and moved on to other activities instead.

We all have those days when we don't want to exercise. Although I love running, I don't jump out of bed every single morning, full of energy and ready to go. There are some days when I'd much rather stay in bed. But for the most part, I've found something I enjoy doing, so it's easier to stick with it. And to keep things interesting, I like to train for different races, incorporate different kinds of runs and different routes into my routine. That way my body is continually challenged and I don't get bored.

Putting personal preferences aside, if you look strictly at what exercises are considered "best", you'll get a wide variety of professional opinions. Exercise physiologists will give answers based on what exercises burn the most calories, which ones provide the most strength benefits, which ones increase power or flexibility. It just depends on your goals and your body. Every body responds differently to different exercises, and everyone has different opinions about what activities we should be doing.

Regardless of the activity, the fact that you are exercising at all is most important. You don't have to train for marathons and spend hours at the gym to be healthy. "A recent meta-analysis of studies about exercise and mortality showed that, in general, a sedentary person’s risk of dying prematurely from any cause plummeted by nearly 20 percent if he or she began brisk walking (or the equivalent) for 30 minutes five times a week. If he or she tripled that amount, for instance, to 90 minutes of exercise four or five times a week, his or her risk of premature death dropped by only another 4 percent."

What do you think? Does your exercise routine reflect the activities you enjoy doing the most? Why or why not?

Monday, May 2, 2011


Fasting Increased
 Focus and Self-Control

"My skin was radiant, when I met with the women on Monday night and they commented on how good I looked, I gave praise to the healing that the Lord brought to me."
The call to fasting was for the purpose of cleansing, detoxification, and overcoming bad habits so I could get my life in sync with God’s will. I prepared by paying attention to my diet a few days prior, my last meal before the fast was soup and the day before that I ate only light meals. I began a 72 hour fast at sundown on a Friday, which included much prayer. I spent the three days of my fast helping serve at a women's retreat in our church. As my heart was not entirely set on abstaining from food for three days, all the while on my feet serving others, I prayed for a focus on humility and obedience. My prayers were answered and I reaped unexpected gifts in spirit and in body.  I was better able to listen to the Lord who had some hard lessons to teach me.  
And at the end of the 72 hours, I had lost a lot of excess water weight and some fat, totaling six pounds of weight! My skin was radiant, when I met with the women on Monday night and they commented on how good I looked, I gave praise to the healing that the Lord brought to me.
Even though I had been assisting in the church retreat during my fast, it was easy for me to maintain a constant communion with God. In that way, the fast was very powerful, rewarding, and even enjoyable! I desired food only on the second day, at least 36 hours into the fast. It was a passing hunger but afterward I had sharp headache to the right of my frontal lobe. I recall bowing my head and affirming my will to His, and praying for relief from my headache. It passed after a few moments. When I stood and waited on others surrounded by tasty food, my thoughts were on the Lord, and so I could feel Him strengthening my resolve to be steadfast in my commitment to Him, and sustaining me throughout the fast. On the third day, I felt chills. The air conditioning bothered me.  Even though I was among a large group I quietly humbled myself, knowing that the Lord was there with me, providing all my needs. It was only through prayer and communion with God that I was able to sustain the fast.
I noticed particularly in the weeks after the fast, I am less inclined to snack, even when away from home and feeling hunger. I now choose to wait until I get home, and eat wholesome foods, instead of grabbing ready-made foods on the road that compromise my health. I am also more aware of the benefits of rest, and am able to make better choices about what to consume just before bed and upon waking in the mornings. I am comforted in knowing that the Lord wishes for me to make more healthful food choices, and practice better dietary customs and habits.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Dear Lord,

You have entrusted me with a unique physical body. Help me to treasure my body as much as You do and to treawt it with respect. Amen!

My Creator,

Forgive me for not always showing respect to your creation-my body. With your help, I will do better in the future. Thank you for not giving up on me. Amen!


I want to lavish my body with healthy foods. I truly seek Your best in this area, and I know I cannot be successful until I surrender my will to Your will. Speak to me as only you can. Amen!

Lord, I want to be healthy, but I face many temptations every day. Help me stay strong physically and emotionally. With You beside me, I can overcome the obstacles that come between the way I want to live and the way I am living.


I want our home to be a place of sweet accord but not abounding in sweets. I take seriously the task and privilege of feeding and caring for my family, and I know with your Help, I can instill healthy habits in my home.


You assure me that You are ready to answer my questions and guide me in the ways best for my body, for my life and for the lives I influence. Amen!

Dear God,

thank You for creating me just the way that you did. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for abundantly providing for all your creatures and for offering us eternal life. Thank you for loving me. I love you, too. Amen!

Read Psalm 139:13-16

What reasons do you have to praise God?

What about 'YOU" is 'fearfully and wonderfully' made?

Read Deuteronomy 32:6

How do you think God feels when you don't cherish His gift of your body?

Many of us try to extend our day by shaving off hours of sleep. How many hours of sleep do you average nightly? If you are averaging less then 8 hours, list four lifestyle changes you could make to add a half hour's sleep.

How would following Solomon's advice in Proverbs 3:7-8 help you to maintain a healthier body?

People either enjoy exercise, work out to an obsessive extreme, exercise out of duty, or think it's an unnecessary waste of time. What do you think of exercise? Why?

What do you consider your reward for caring for your family ( or yourself if you live alone.)

Do you think your family would join you in following what God says about taking care of your body? Why or why not?

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13

What does this verse tell you about temptation and what God will do about it?